Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 39

  Well good news.....I  have been referred back to my Pulmo (lung) doctor, and Since going going back on the medication I have continued to cough up bits and pieces out of my lungs so hopefully this is working AND going to kick it's butt. I had a bad afternoon/evening last Tuesday and didn't want to go to the ER and TRY to explain ALL this to a new group of people,especially since the specialist had my entire binder (with all my bloodwork/xrays/CT at his office) to review before my visit last Friday.So I chose to take some advil and go to bed early and felt a little better in the morning.My specialist did order a chest xray the next day and things seem to okay no bronchitis or pneumonia,so its just this darn aspergillus hanging on.

   I will also be having a 3 month repeat mammogram and sonogram at the end of the month to see if things have stayed the same or gotten larger since biopsy has not been able to be obtained as of yet,again from the lung stuff.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

day 33

Today started off well but then started feeling really run down and had some more than usual 'heavy' feeling in my chest this afternoon.  I spoke to my pharmacist the other day and he says I should not stop taking the medication, he still thinks it's Aspergillus, they may just have to redo tests to verify which one. I didn't have the guts to tell him I had stopped the meds because new infectious disease dr told me it was okay to do! So I restarted last night I hope that doctor didn't make a bad decision for me and make this all worse. I should have had him prove to me it was something else before I stopped it. Oh well, hopefully LIVE and learn from this!